About Aaron M. Perez, DDS
Dr. Perez was born and raised in Havana, Cuba, coming to the U.S. in 1980. He graduated from Loma Linda University with a B.S. in Respiratory Therapy, and received his D.D.S. (Doctorate of Dental Surgery) from Loma Linda University in 1991. Upon graduation, Dr. Perez was awarded the National Association of Seventh-Day-Adventist Dentist (NASDAD) award for his scholastic achievements and unusual humanitarian concern. Dr. Perez served as a dental missionary in the U.S. protectorate of Guam for two years and continues to volunteer on dental mission trips around the world, including Peru, Honduras, Mexico and Africa. Dr. Perez is a member in good standing with the American Dental Association (ADA), California Dental Association (CDA), and the San Diego County Dental Society (SCDDS). In 2003-2004 Dr. Perez was named one of America's Top Dentists by the Consumer Research Council of America (CRCA). In 2007 Dr. Aaron M. Perez was voted by his colleagues and peers as one of San Diego's Top Dentists, as noted in the May issue of San Diego Magazine.