About Charles V. Perniciaro, MD
Dr. Perniciaro is a highly renowned Dermatologist and Dermatopathologist specializing in the diagnosing and treatment of skin cancers. He is board certified in both Dermatology and Dermatopathology and has served on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Dermatopathology and on the Executive Committee of the International Society of Dermatopathology. He has held various leadership and committee appointments in the American Academy of Dermatology, including the Environmental Council and the Ad Hoc Task Force on Sunscreens. Before opening his private practices, Dr. Perniciaro served on the faculties of University of Florida, Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, Minnesota, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, and Tulane University School of Medicine. Dr. Perniciaro was previously Director of Dermatopathology at Bernhardt Laboratories, and now is a full time staff dermatopathologist at Gulf Coast Dermatopathology Laboratory in Tampa, Florida. He has retired from seeing patients in clinical practice.