About Eileen Kolar, Aesthetician Specialist
Eileen has been a licensed cosmetologist for nearly 50 years, has advanced training in esthetics and has been the owner of a private skin care practice in Plymouth, Michigan for more than a quarter of a century. Eileen has been affiliated with Arbonne for 27 years. Her journey with Arbonne has given her wonderful memories of moments with our founder Petter Mørck and former President, Rita Davenport as well as enriching friendships with her clients, consultants and business builders. In the clinical setting, her work with clients who were faced with a variety of conditions led her to pursue credentials in the field of Natural Health through Trinity College. In the field of esthetics, ongoing advancements in the science of skin care products makes continuing education a must! Eileen attends as many professional continuing education seminars, with multiple professional esthetics skincare companies as possible. This is the foundation for her passionate search for exceptionally effective and safe products. Eileen discovered Arbonne 27 years ago during her search for products that were free of synthetic fragrances, petroleum based ingredients and dyes. She fell in love with Arbonne and knew she had found something her clients could take home to maintain the progress made professionally. Advances made by Arbonne with the introduction of cutting edge ingredients like retinoids, AHAs, peptides, and the introduction of the Genius Ultra device have taken Arbonne to the professional level! Eileen is currently utilizing specific Arbonne Products in a professional setting and sending her clients off with recipes for achieving measurable results in the privacy of their own homes.