About James R. Donley, DDS
Dr. Donley was born and grew up in Muskegon, Michigan. He moved to Detroit for seven years to continue his education and go into the healthcare field. After graduating from the University of Detroit School of Dentistry, he attended a number of seminars on preventive dentistry. During that time, he acquired the philosophy that the professional person has no right to be anything other than a continuous student, and the true professional works in a manner as if to put himself out of business. His passion to help people be healthier has led to him utilizing advanced treatment for periodontal disease and acquiring the needed education for treating snoring and sleep apneaa. This passion to help people be healthier, live longer and have a higher quality of life has also led Dr. Donley to become a member of Partners in Complete Health, being appointed to the Muskegon County Public Health Advisory Board and becoming a member of the 1 in 21 Healthy Muskegon County group. Becoming board certified in dental sleep medicine is part of his passion. Dr. Donley feels that education of the public and his patients is essential for a healthier population. Among these endeavors was the Doctor Dial telephone recorded message program for dental health early in his career. A little later, he ran a dental information column in the Muskegon Chronicle for several years. He had one of the earliest dental websites if not the first in Muskegon County for education purposes. Within the office, he has always used audio-video programs for patient education. He speaks to groups on some phase of dentistry whenever the opportunity arises. For some time, he has participated in the monthly health screening at Sam’s Club in Muskegon.