About Kim Kelly, Aesthetician Specialist
Kim Kelly L.E., is affectionately known as the "skin care fairy" whose motto states "that there is no quick fix to beautiful and functioning skin". Clean and healthy skin is a lifestyle choice that takes dedication and time. This basic philosophy is the mantra of her skin care center which is situated in the bucolic setting of Peace Valley Park, Doylestown Pennsylvania.After completing her BA at Temple University, she was certified by the Pennsylvania Board of Cosmetology in 1991. At a grass roots level, Kim was the first aesthetician in Bucks County to work in the office of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon as the director of skin care. Kim has served on Allergan, Skin Medica, La Roche Posay and SkinCeuticals Advisory Boards.Kim is the recipient of "The Look Good, Feel Better" National and State Sunrise Award. She has been teaching this course for the American Cancer Society for past 25 years. As a make-up artist for "The World Burn Congress" and Phoenix Society, her office offers burn survivors and cancer patients a place to receive private make up instruction and skin care services. Kim is the past president of The Society of Plastic Surgical Skin Care Specialists. As a founding board member since 1994, she has been instrumental in pioneering an organization that insures the safety of clinical skin care procedures provided by clinical skin care specialists. Her ultimate goal is for everyone to have clean and healthy skin by offering exceptional clinical skin care services and products. Her practice is governed by a board certified dermatologist in Doylestown Pennsylvania.