About Laketta Willis, Aesthetician Specialist
Image Stylist, Pro Makeup Artist & Beauty Expert Laketta Willis is a mother, confidence coach, entrepreneur, speaker and an authentic example of elevation. Laketta empowers women to align their inner beauty with their outer beauty. She teaches women to Show Up and Show Off their Bold personal image brands. Her main goal is to provide female entrepreneurs & Professional women with the necessary tools to align their image with their business brand. With 13 years of experience in the Beauty Image Industry she has created a solid platform to lead women back to where they belong, Front & Center showing off their crowns in a Bold Elegant Presence. She knows all too well what lack of self-confidence can do for you. She knew at the tender age of 12 that she had her own unique style but it wasn't until her early twenties when she faced a very dismal phase in her life that her passion grew to heights that couldn't be ignored. Fashion and Makeup pulled her out of deep depression so she is not silent about letting the world know that she didn't choose Fashion or Makeup but they chose her. Makei Beauty Image Consulting was created to cater and service every beauty need of women. Your image is a direct reflection of your inner beauty so why not show it off. If your inside looks good, your outside will be a direct reflection of that. Image is very important to her as her philosophy is ""Unlock your Beauty Box"". Women must show up in the world Confident and Bold to achieve the highest levels of success. Her image for success will look completely different than your image for success but nonetheless you must first SHOW UP!"" Don't give them a reason to say No or Walk right on pass you, make them take notice. Be Unapologetic about your mission to show Bigger, Braver and Bolder in life and business.