About Neena K. Chima, MD
Board-Certified Dermatologist Practicing in New Jersey for 15 Years In practice for 15 years, Dr. K. Neena Chima is certified by the American Board of Dermatology. She is an active member of the New Jersey Dermatological Society where she serves as an Executive Board Member. She is a member of the Women’s Dermatologic Society, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and on staff at Chilton Memorial Hospital. Dr. Chima is an Assistant Attending Physician in Clinical Dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center where she enjoys teaching Dermatology to the resident physicians. Dr. Chima regularly serves as a volunteer physician for the American Academy of Dermatology’s Skin Cancer Screening Program. Recently, Wayne Magazine has named Dr. Chima as one of their Top Doctors. Dr. Chima is delighted to have received this honor. Dr. Chima graduated magna cum laude from Boston University’s exclusive Accelerated Seven Year BA/MD program and received her medical degree from UMDNJ-Newark. Following her internship at Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, she completed her Dermatology residency in Washington, DC, where she achieved the distinction of Chief Resident. During her residency, she learned intensive cosmetic and laser procedures on all skin types. To broaden her dermatologic training, she completed a fellowship in Dermatopathology at UMDNJ-Newark. This additional training gives her a depth of knowledge with skin disorders that most practicing physicians rarely attain. Among her colleagues, Dr. Chima is known as the “doctor’s dermatologist” because many physicians only trust their skin to her.