About Robert V. Massa, DMD
Robert V. Massa, D.M.D., has been practicing dentistry for over 25 years with his practice primarily focusing on providing dental care for those patients seeking improvement and correction for appearance of their teeth. In addition, he now offers to patients who are suffering from denture wear or just want to eliminate their dentures, the ""Permanent Teeth in One Day"" procedure. Patients from the tri state area seek treatment to correct dental problems, whether they are in need of cosmetic improvement, desire permanent fixed teeth in one day, or have headache or facial pain. The treatment of patients with temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ) and occlusion problems at times directly relate to the reconstruction of the teeth. Therefore, Dr. Massa is able to treat patients who want to cosmetically improve their teeth along with the patients who are in need of treatment to correct TMJ and occlusion problems. With the newly approved treatments for migraine headaches and for TMJ sufferers, Dr. Massa is now able to help these patients get immediate relief from the headache pain and jaw problems. Dr. Massa is the founder of the New Jersey Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, and also the founder of the Elite Dental Study Group. He also has been featured in magazines, newspapers and video. He holds membership in numerous dental organizations and societies among those the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Society for Dental Esthetics, and the American Academy of Facial Esthetics. In addition, he is a certified healthcare provider by Allergan and Medicis companies, the makers of Botox, Restylane, Juviderm, and Dysport. He is also is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a 1982 graduate of UMDNJ. Over the years, Dr. Massa has attended numerous dental education seminars and courses (almost 1200+ hours), at prestigious teaching institutions and dental schools incorporating the teachings and techniques into his daily practice of cosmetic improvement of the teeth. He has been featured in magazines and other media for his advanced dental techniques.